News & Events!
2024 Media in Mission
The 2024 Media in Mission article can be read by clicking on the link below. Media in Mission provides news from Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour Ministries-Canada.
A Christmas Special from
The Lutheran Hour
When journalist Edie Savers is tasked with writing an article about Christmas, she hesitantly accepts. But her understanding of the holiday is unexpectedly changed when she investigates its traditions through the lens of Charles Dickens’ classic story, A Christmas Carol. Not only does Edie learn how Christmas is about more than nostalgia, but she begins to undergo a Scrooge-like transformation of her own.
Canadian Guest Speaker
June 30, 2024
“An Eager Conversationalist”
Pastor Keith Haberstock
“The Holy Spirit empowers us to open our mouths and share Jesus, so that all might have what none of us deserve.”
(Acts 17:16-31)
Register Today!
We are excited to announce upcoming workshops aimed at empowering young adults to propose and implement impactful outreach projects within their local church communities. Rooted in the example and command of Christ to love our neighbours, these workshops will equip participants to initiate —an English as a Second Language (ESL) Conversation Circle program designed to serve and integrate community members for whom English is a second language.
Welcome 2024 Summer Interns!
Double Your Impact with our
$50,000 Matching Grant!
As the family of God, we recognize the invaluable contributions of both our older members, who bring wisdom, experience, and leadership, and our younger members, who offer fresh perspectives and enthusiasm.
Our goal is to bring these two generations together through mentorship opportunities that will shape and empower the future leaders of our church!
An Easter Special from
The Lutheran Hour
“Tears of Hope” is a special presentation of The Lutheran Hour®. Hosted by Lutheran Hour Speaker, Rev. Dr. Michael Ziegler, this radio drama is based on an episode of This is the Life. Taking the visual storyline written for the 1950s and giving it a modern twist for radio was entrusted to writer, Andréa Vasilo.
2023 Media in Mission
The 2023 Media in Mission article can be found in the November/December edition of The Canadian Lutheran or, read it on its own by clicking on the link below. Media in Mission provides news from Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour Ministries-Canada.
A Christmas Special from The Lutheran Hour
“Empty Boxes” is a special presentation of The Lutheran Hour®. This original story invites listeners on a chilly car-ride home after a candlelight Christmas Eve service that becomes a turning point for a teenage boy-an enlightening moment he will return to for years to come.
LLLC Welcomes New Board Members!
On October 21, the Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada held its Annual General Meeting at St. James Lutheran Church in Winnipeg, during which time the missions organization welcomed new board members.
Brenda Reimer (Treasurer) and Rev. John Makey (Director) were both installed as board members during the meeting. They join existing members: Stephen Braaten (President); Rev. Keith Haberstock (Pastoral Advisor); Helga Danielson (Recording Secretary); and Directors Brian Wardle, Jane Jacob (who attended remotely), Ken Schoepp, and Rev. Mark Danielson.
Annual General Meeting 2023
We are thrilled to invite you to our 2023 AGM! Whether you prefer to participate online or in person, we welcome you to be a part of this exciting event!
WELCOME our newly elected board members as they are installed and meet all the dynamic individuals who encourage, govern, and support us!
HEAR about our achievements.
LEARN what LLL-C has accomplished over the past year, thanks to YOUR support!
GET INVOLVED with our upcoming events, initiatives, and opportunities for you to share the message of God’s love!
Your presence and input are crucial, and we want to see you there!
To register, please email or call 1-800-555-6236.
Canadian Guest Speaker
October 8, 2023
“Whatever and Wherever, Thank You, Lord!”
Pastor Keith Haberstock
“The Lord is my Shepherd…” That’s how the 23rd Psalm begins. It goes on to describe the ways in which our Good Shepherd leads, comforts, and protects the sheep of His flock. Every line gives us a reason to be thankful.
(Psalm 23)
Interactive Webinars Recorded!
We held Summer of Hope webinars June 21, July 19 & August 16, 2023. We shared ideas and resources to support each other – we’d love to hear about your plans and results during this Summer full of Hope!
For links to recorded sessions, email or call 1-800-555-6236.
Canadian Guest Speaker
“Give Me Life?”
The Lutheran Hour on July 2, 2023
By Rev. Keith Haberstock, Guest Speaker
Summer full of HOPE!
Our Board and Staff members are embarking on a journey to use prayer and our God given gifts to build trust and a sense of community with our neighbours! Together we will head God’s call He knows our gifts and calls us to use them everyday, right where we live. Start by downloading the resource. Draw your neighbourhood, read how to use the “My Hopeful Neighbourhood Map” and begin with prayer!
Engaging Youth Across Canada
“In addition to providing relevant children’s resources, LHM–Canada has been engaging younger Lutherans to serve the Church.”
2022 Media in Mission
The 2022 Media in Mission article can be found in the November/December edition of The Canadian Lutheran or, read it on its own by clicking on the link below. Media in Mission provides news from Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour Ministries-Canada.
Annual General Meeting News
The feedback on staff presentations was so positive that we are putting something together and will make it available online so more of you can share in the insights and updates.
Canadian Guest Speaker
“Thankfulness, eh?”
Presented on The Lutheran Hour on October 9, 2022
By Rev. Cody Cooper, Guest Speaker
Lutheran Media in Mission
The 2021 Media in Mission article can be found in the November/December edition of The Canadian Lutheran or, read it on its own by clicking on the link below. Media in Mission provides news from Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour Ministries-Canada.