Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada partners with you to build spiritually vibrant intergenerational relationships in your church. Explore with us the importance and possibilities of Intergenerational Mentoring. We will equip YOU with concepts, inform you of common barriers, and teach you first steps in developing a mentoring relationship.
We offer workshops and seminars that speak to Intergenerational Mentoring and the profound effect it has on the faith of both the Mentor and the Mentee. We can walk your congregation through the many resources Lutheran Hour Ministries Canada has to offer or help unpack the critical research available through the Barna partnership.
Email director@lll.ca if you would like LLLC to speak at your next in-person or virtual event!
Take a peek at one of LHM’s new online courses. You can go through the first two sessions and explore the variety of learning methods. If you would like to continue this course, please sign up for access to the full learning library at www.lhm.org/learn.
If you need any assistance navigating the LHM Learn library please email Aleta helpful@lll.ca or call 1-800-555-6236 ext 2
After completing this course:
the concept of intergenerational mentoring.
examples of intergenerational mentoring in the Bible.
two common barriers to intergenerational mentoring.
the four A’s of an intergenerational mentoring relationship.
You will be able to . . .
DESCRIBE an example of intergenerational mentoring in your life.
ACKNOWLEDGE the value of intergenerational mentoring in the church.
AFFIRM the value of intergenerational mentoring in your life.
The body of Christ is varied and diverse. The back-and-forth exchange of support and encouragement between generations helps create a healthy environment and an active community.
Walking alongside others through life is not only encouraging for both individuals, but a way for both mentors and mentees to strengthen and help one another.
Generational trends point to the fact that attitudes toward intergenerational mentoring have shifted. When the Baby Boomer generation reached young adulthood, the generation gap was wide and tense. In 1964, the young activist Jack Weinberg coined the phrase, Never trust anyone over 30. Today’s young adults have a different and more positive relationship with older generations.
Intergenerational mentoring is a powerful and effective way to make a difference in the lives of individuals and as the Church as a whole. All of us have something to offer. God gives us all talents and abilities, and if we don’t reach out, we never know what they are.
Project Connect Booklets
to support you on your mentoring journey
The booklet Everyone is a Gift reminds us that people are God’s creation who possess special gifts from Him. God can transform us to see others how He sees them. When this happens, doors open, attitudes shift, conversations change, and relationships can grow because our perspective is grounded in love not divisiveness.
Equip yourself with knowledge and confidence to have faith-sharing dialogues with others. This easy-to-read, easy-to-use booklet is ideal for helping you have more fruitful conversations about Jesus. Click here to purchase.
In this Project Connect document by Pastor Dion Garrett, he shares practical, down-to-earth strategies for taking the Gospel to the streets, sharing it with all those exotic people we meet–like our neighbors, our friends, maybe even somebody at our church. Available in PDF only.
What’s your purpose in life? Like spokes without a hub, a life without a purpose–a center–feels futile and empty. This booklet will help you gain a deeper understanding about God’s plans for you and with you. Whether in your family, workplace or community, God’s plans will make the most of the gifts, talents and abilities He has entrusted to you. Discover how the pieces of your life fit beautifully together in His purpose–His glorious purpose. Click here to purchase.
Preparing the Next Generation
of Mentors!
Jesus’ first disciples were ordinary people like you and me. He called and they followed. He taught and they listened and learned. As God loved the world through His Son, He loves the world now through us. We can all be His disciples and spread the Good News of Jesus. Click here to purchase.
This children’s booklet shows how we should all be mindful and respectful to differences in others. When a physically challenged schoolgirl suffers crude remarks, her friend steps in. She urges offenders to stop, explaining about human differences, how God loves us as we are, and the need to get along. Click here to purchase.
This children’s booklet shows that every child is uniquely gifted by God with special interests and abilities. As kids use their gifts, they honor God, bless others, and bring glory to Jesus—God’s greatest Gift to us all. Click here to purchase.
Discover - Share - Grow: Your Gifts!
God has blessed His people with talents, abilities, areas of wisdom, and aptitudes for different ways to serve Him and each other. These gifts are not limited by age or generational definitions!
The gifts He has given you are valuable, important, and needed. The same goes for the person across the room. They have something valuable to offer you, just as they are in need of the gifts God has given to you. United in Christ we form one body. The members of a healthy body rely on each other.
Are you interested in a workshop or seminar to learn how to unleash your gifts and the gifts of your congregation?
Email director@lll.ca if you would like LLLC to speak at your next in-person or virtual event!
Discover Your Gifts explores the gifts God has given every person and what new Barna research reveals about the difference those gifts can make for us, our churches, and our communities. Click here to purchase.
The Discover Your Gifts Workbook has sessions on twelve different kinds of gifts. Every session defines and describes what each gift looks like and gives examples of how the gift can be used in four distinct vocations of life: church, family, work, and society. Click here to purchase.
A Barna monograph produced in partnership with LHM on how to equip Christians to share their abilities and skills in everyday life. Click here to purchase.