The Summer Intern Experience
This summer, LLL-C welcomed four diverse interns, each bringing unique backgrounds, experiences, and goals to our team. Our hope and prayer is that, by the end of their time with us, each intern will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be part of a team dedicated to “Bringing Christ to the Nations!”

Emily Kuhl
Emily is our summer intern, working in partnership with Lutheran Church Canada. She is focusing on a special project that uses her video and interviewing skills to capture and share the incredible faith stories of our older generation. Her work is essential in passing on our faith from one generation to the next.
Emily is conveniently located nearby, which means we get the added joy of seeing her bright smile around the office regularly.
In addition to her primary project, Emily will be producing a follow-up video for our summer webinar series, English as a Second Language Conversation Circles. This video will provide additional educational resources to help learners on this important topic.
We are truly blessed to have Emily contributing her talents to both LCC and LLL-C this summer!

Gracie Harper
Gracie is a powerhouse when it comes to organization and execution. Her efforts have significantly advanced a project that is very close to our hearts by taking our Illuminated Catechism project to the next level.
Gracie has been actively connecting with churches and young people who have received the Illuminated Catechism from us over the last four years on behalf of our generous donors. She is gathering valuable information and assessing interest in providing these young Lutherans with mentors—guiding figures who can offer support and encouragement in their faith journey. Additionally, Gracie is on the lookout for experienced individuals willing to step into mentorship roles, sharing their wisdom and guidance.
We are incredibly grateful for the impactful work Gracie is doing!

Aashish Paul
Aashish has been a valuable addition to our team tackling the challenge of fund development for mission and ministry. During his interview, he expressed a strong interest in donor retention, which aligns perfectly with our focus on intergenerational mentorship and our current matching grant opportunity. Since joining us, Aashish has been diligently following up with donors and expressing our gratitude for their support. His thoughtful conversations have been both meaningful and encouraging.
In addition to his work with donor relations, Aashish has used his technical skills to assist Aleta in researching and organizing radio station data, helping us plot out possible gaps in coverage for The Lutheran Hour across Canada. His contributions have been instrumental in advancing this long-standing project!

Sophia Kuhl
Sophia volunteered to join us for a short-term project, where she played a crucial role in supporting Redeemer Lutheran Church’s Vacation Bible School in Sudbury, Ontario.
Throughout the project, Sophia was actively involved in brainstorming and preplanning. Her enthusiasm and willingness to assist wherever needed were invaluable during the hectic week of managing the children’s activities.
We have also connected Sophia with a Canadian Lutheran Service Organization that was needing support for compiling information and producing a newsletter for their donors.
Her love for Jesus and commitment to serving others are truly evident in her work!

2024 Internship applications closed! Thank you!

So many young people have a heart full of love for Christ, a passion for bringing Christ to the nations and unique God given gifts and skills ready to be used!
At LLL, our heart is for you! Are you ready to dive in and make an impact this summer?
What's the Scoop?
Get hands-on experience with Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada and support Lutheran Church–Canada.
Team Up with Pros: You’ll work directly with the Managing Director and the whole crew.
Explore Your Passions: Whether it’s design, communications, donor retention, office management or getting artsy, there’s a spot for you!
It’s Not Just a Gig: Discover how your gifts and skills can serve a greater purpose in the church and beyond.
Got a Killer Idea? Lay It on Us in Your Cover Letter!
Plus, It’s Paid! Don’t Sleep on This Chance to Shine and Serve Your Community!
Skills You Need:
- High levels of self-motivation and self-efficacy, and at ease working independently
- Desire and willingness to learn and explore new tools
- Strong communication skills, both written and oral, and the ability to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds
- Familiarity with and understanding of the Lutheran Laymen’s League, Lutheran Church–Canada and Lutheranism in Canada (desirable)
- Organize and manage your own time, with minimal supervision
- Enjoy working in a less structured work environment where tasks and deadlines are fluid
- Flexible to manage inquiries from all Canadian time-zones
Important Details:
- $18.00 per hour at approximately 20 hours per week
- Work days and hours are flexible and can be negotiated according to the availability of the intern and supervisor
- Duration of internship is July & August 2024
- Application deadline Friday, May 31, 2024
- Opportunity for future work on a contract, part-time, or full-time basis
- NOTE: This internship opportunity is open to Canadian Residents
Sound like you?
Please send your Cover Letter and Resume or questions to Lisa Jackson, LLL-C Managing Director, at by May 31, 2024.