Get Involved!
Our Mission is Possible Because of You!
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19

Lutheran Laymen's League of Canada Sunday
We appreciate your participation in promoting LLLC! You are welcome to recognize Lutheran Laymen’s League Sunday on a date that works best for you – please let us know how we can help! To make LLLC/LHM Sunday as easy as possible, we can provide you with the following materials.
- Printed poster and bulletin inserts showing ways LLLC can partner with you
- Individual giving envelopes
- Short videos that showcase LLLC's uniquely Canadian and Lutheran Hour Ministry resources
Request the number of inserts and/or giving envelopes you need. Send your order to or call 1-800-555-6236.
Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada is your partner and we want to make it easy and fun for you to share the Gospel with others!
We can help you focus on bringing hope to your neighbourhood and learn about sharing your gifts as an act of stewardship.
Based on research found in partnership with Barna Group, LHM offers a wide variety of digital and print resources to help you reflect, study and reach out at a time when people are craving connection and belonging.
If you would like more information about Lutheran Hour Ministries’ programs and resources, please email
If it sounds like the kind of Gospel outreach you’d like to be part of – you can partner with LLLC today:
- Remember the work of Lutheran Laymen's League of Canada in your prayers;
- Tell others about this work;
- Sign up to our mailing list (email or post) to hear about new resources as soon as they are released;
- Make a gift to share the Good News worldwide. LLLC is not included in the budget of Lutheran Church – Canada (or The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod) and relies on generous gifts from people like you.
May God bless the work that we do together with LLL/LHM Canada so that many more people may come to faith in Jesus Christ.
- Set up a display of LLLC uniquely Canadian and LHM resources in the narthex to promote LLLC and its ministry programs. If possible keep it visible for several weeks; and have somebody at the display before and after services to answer questions.
- Make a short presentation to the congregation during your worship service using our LLLC videos, talking points and bulletin inserts. If relevant- ask a congregation member who uses LLLC/LHM resources to share their firsthand experience with members.
- Talk to various groups or organizations within your congregation, such as an evangelism or missions committee, the LWML group, the youth group or Bible study groups. Encourage that group to get involved with our ministry and to use LLLC/LHM resources.
- If permitted have LLLC Sunday bulletin inserts and giving envelopes distributed in the congregation.
- Host a coffee hour, or pot luck luncheon after church. Give a short presentation about LLLC/LHM and collect a free-will offering.
- If you would like someone to come visit your congregation and talk in person about Lutheran Laymen's League of Canada, let us know, and we will set something up with you!