Meet the Board and Staff
Our Board Members
Nominate a Candidate to serve on the Board of Directors for Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada! As you keep the Board and Staff in your prayers, we ask that you also prayerfully consider a potential nominee that you think would be great addition to the board. A willingness to serve and a passion to help share the Gospel is just the beginning! To learn more about the position and the eligibility requirements please call 1-800-555-6236 or email our managing director Lisa Jackson at
Download the current nomination form here LLL-C nomination form June 2024

Ken Schoepp, President (Surrey BC)
Retired from 40 years working in electrical wholesale industry. Previous congregational positions include Chairman, Elder, Youth volunteer, Children’s Ministry, Family Ministry Gifts, talents, and specific interests include working as volunteer at local foodbank, sports, gardening, camping, cycling.
Served on local LLL group in previous congregations in Red Deer and Calgary.

Rev. Keith Haberstock, Pastoral Advisor (Fort McMurray AB)

Brenda Reimer, Treasurer (Leduc County AB)
A lifelong resident of Leduc County, AB and member at St. Peter’s, Leduc, Brenda is married to Brent. They have volunteered at Lifestyles Community in Leduc, AB since 2018 to bring church and chaplain services to the seniors there. Growing up on the farm, Brenda has worked in the fields, fed cows, and done whatever needs doing – including learning how to be a bookkeeper from scratch. She earned a BA in English and Music (minor in religious studies) from Concordia in Edmonton and followed that with a BSc and MSc from the University of Alberta. Her day job has taken her around the world and she is currently the Knowledge Mobilization Officer for the Poultry Innovation Partnership. She has a passion for serving the Lord in her community and is currently a director of the Leduc Community Hospital Foundation and the Chair of the Leduc Hub Association which provides shelter and other essential services to the homeless in Leduc and District.

Helga Danielson, Recording Secretary (Spruce Grove AB)
Married to Mark Danielson for 37 years. Mother of 4 adult children. ‘Oma’ to 7 beautiful grandchildren. After raising a family, returned to nursing mostly in Emergency and more recently in Corrections. Active in many areas of the church throughout her husband’s ministry, she has also served at all levels of LWML Canada. Helga is a participant of Team Zion’s ongoing mission in Nicaragua.

Jane Jacob, Director (London ON)
Jane married a lifelong Lutheran which began her interest in Lutheran theology, leading to membership at Good Shepherd Lutheran church in London, Ontario, and subsequently enrolling part time at the Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines. She completed the courses online and has recently graduated with her Masters of Theological Studies. She has also served on the East Region RMMC (Regional Mission and Ministry Council) and recently joined an LWML group to participate in writing and developing a seminar for 2023.

Rev. Mark Danielson, Director (Spruce Grove AB)
Served St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Dawson Creek, BC, for 11 years, and Trinity Lutheran Church in Fisherville, ON, for 25 years. In retirement he served Grace Lutheran Church as Vacancy pastor for one year. He has served as circuit counselor in two districts, was the chairman of the East District Department of Parish services for nine years, an LLL Zone and LLL District Pastoral Advisor and currently serves as Pastoral Advisor for LWML-Canada. At the synodical level he has served on the Board for Parish Services, Board of Governors for Concordia University College, Edmonton Alberta, and Lutheran Church Canada Foundation. Rev. Danielson is married to Helga, has four children, and seven grandchildren.

Rev. John Makey, Director (Port Colborne ON)
Married to Linda for 48 years with 3 adult children, all of whom are married with families of their own, including 9 grandchildren. John graduated as a Certified General Accountant in 1975. He has worked in private business as well as at all three levels of government (federal, provincial, and municipal). He entered seminary in 1987, and was ordained at Trinity Lutheran Church, Fisherville in August 1991. Pastor John has served first at Trinity Lutheran, Kurtzville, and at St. Peter’s Lutheran, Port Colborne, and visitation Pastor at Trinity, Fisherville, as well as, vacancy Pastor at Christ Lutheran, St. Catharines. He continues to preach in various congregations when Pastors need time away or vacation. He has served as Pastoral advisor in different positions for the LLL, LWML Canada, EDLYA, as well as, the Youth Committee of the Ontario District. He and Linda are members of Christ Lutheran, St. Catharines where they worship. John is the chairman of the Refugee committee at Christ. The committee is preparing to welcome the refugee family they are sponsoring. In retirement Pastor John still preaches, does accounting work for his son’s small business, enjoys his grandchildren, going to the gym, and spring summer and fall enjoys flower gardening and working in the yard, plus helping out people wherever needed.

Abbie Tang, Director (Fort McMurray AB)
Abbie Tang is a student of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, working towards a Masters Degree in Theological Studies.
She was brought to the church in 2016 and was baptized at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Hamilton, Ontario. She now lives in Fort McMurray, AB where she lives with her husband Robert of 6 years.
Abbie has been a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort McMurray since 2018.

Christian Maxfield, Director (Stony Plain AB)
Christian is a Grade 2 teacher at SML Christian Academy in Stony Plain, Alberta. A graduate of Concordia University of Edmonton, he completed a B.A. in history and music (voice) in 2017 and a Bachelor of Education in 2019. Christian was raised Lutheran and is now a member at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Stony Plain, where he helps with the youth and young adult programs. He also conducts the Spiritus Boys Choir of the Edmonton Children’s Choir and sings professionally with Pro Coro Canada in Edmonton. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with friends and family, travelling, cooking, reading, and keeping active.
Our Staff Members

Lisa Jackson, Managing Director

Aleta Abraham, Media & Design Specialist

Henrietta Schafer, Gifts Coordinator
Henri grew up on a farm near Yorkton, Sk. She studied to be a Director of Parish Services at Concordia College, Edmonton, AB. Henri’s internship was in Creston, BC. She then served full time at Holy Cross in Kitchener ON, where she continues to serve part time. She met her husband Curtis at a LCC National Youth Gathering (one of her favourite events!) She and Curtis love their 2 teenage Boys, Justus and Samuel. The opportunity to serve at LLL is a blessing to Henri, she looks forward to connecting with, praying for & equipping Sisters & Brothers across Canada with our resources!

Philippe Morel, French Ministry Support

Sandy Timm, Bookkeeper
Sandra (Sandy) Timm was born in Montana and served as a Lutheran School Teacher for 7 years in the US. Sandy has lived in Saskatchewan since her marriage to Wayne in 1988. They have 3 children, 2 daughters-in law and one granddaughter.
Sandy has served LLL since 1987, starting as Montana’s Young Adult Coordinator. Wayne and Sandy have attended LLL International Conventions together, beginning in 1988 and supported LLL-Canada with prayers and donations.
Sandy has served as bookkeeper since July 2022. Sandy states, “I am honored to serve God and my neighbor, helping with this task of bookkeeping each month.”