Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada

Welcome to LLL Canada, provider of Lutheran Hour Ministries resources.

Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada equips laypeople with resources and support in bringing God’s love to life in your community and abroad

“Explore with us the importance and possibilities of Intergenerational Mentoring!”

We offer workshops and resources to help you discover the profound effect it has on the faith of both the Mentor and the Mentee.

Lectionary Learning support for our Little Lutherans, our Young at Heart Lutherans and those in between!!

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2025 Lenten Resources FREE downloads available February 15, 20225!
We offering meaningful opportunities to connect with our mission!
Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada

Strengthen and encourage your faith as you do the same for others

Have Daily Devotions delivered right to your inbox, podcast the audio devotional, access them on your mobile device through the FREE app, or listen with Spotify, iHeart Radio, Alexa, or Google Home. Seasonal Devotions for Advent and Lent are also available in both English and other languages. Perfect for personal reflection or to share with family, friends and congregations, these seasonal meditations will help prepare you to celebrate the true meaning of these seasons.

Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada
We believe that Life is a gift, a precious gift of God, that is to be used to glorify Him and to serve others.

With its joys and delights our earthly Life can be wonderful but at times Life can also be difficult, with pain and even sorrow.  There are times in Life when each of us needs some assistance or guidance as we face these challenges.

Listen and watch messages from various Lutheran congregations across Canada here.

You have a unique opportunity to help make Him known by sponsoring a broadcast of The Lutheran Hour on a radio station near you. Contact us to help spread the Gospel and create a special announcement in honour of a family member, loved one or special occasion.

Barna Resources in Shop!

Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) has partnered with Barna Group—an industry leader for research-based insights about faith and culture, leadership and vocation, and generational groups—on a critical three-year study of faith in America. This bold new collaboration will allow LHM to create resources and online courses that address the needs of both the churched and non-churched. 

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